Membership, Contacts and Payment online payment link at the bottom of this page We’re happy to announce dues are coming down! In, 2019, our first year, the dues were $250 because we were a new club and we had some start-up costs including the runway. At the time, we commited to reducing the dues every year until we get under $100. Our second year, the dues were $200. In 2021, dues were $150, and 2022 cost $100. This year, 2024, despite some remaining start-up costs, we anticipate leaving the $80 early promo membership fee as the regular rate. Thanks for joining the best field serving the South Metro!
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Every year, we have reduced dues. This year, in 2024, the members agreed to repeat our special early joining rate of $80 for an individual flyer as the regular rate for the whole year. Membership goes by the calendar year. To join, just select below your member type and press “BUY NOW”. You’ll be taken to Paypal to complete the purchase. Welcome!