Safety Rules
Minnesota Afterburners radio controlled model aircraft club AMA Charter #5457
Safety Rules
1. Minnesota Afterburners club membership is mandatory unless present as a direct guest of a current member. 2. The AMA safety code will be followed while the field is open and operational. 3. All pilots must have their current AMA card on their person while flying at the field. 4. Yield to all low flying full scale aircraft nearby. Be aware, a hospital helicopter emergency landing pad is about 1 mile southeast of MNAB. 5. Pilots must fly from designated pilot stations and communicate with each other while operating their aircraft. Pilots taxiing onto an active runway must secure the verbal permission of pilots already taxiing or flying. 6. In the pit area, any model with engine running or electric mtor enabled, shall be physically restrained. No helicopter rotors spinning in the pit area. Taxiing in the pitor spectator area is prohibited. Taxiing on the fabric taxiway is allowed. 7. Children are not allowed on any active runway unless they are under direct adult supervision for the following reasons: training, retrieving aircraft, or for another legitmate rc-related purpose. 8. Only pilots and their spotter are allowed on the flight line when the runway is active. The aircraft owner may be a second spotter. 9. Takeoff and landing will be done into the wind. Any change in direction shall be by agreement of pilots present. 10. Engine tests must be done far enough away from the fllight line so pilots can communicate with each other. 11. Pilots flying the normal oval pattern have airspace priority over 3D and hovering aircraft. 12. Loudly announce all emergency landings and /or loss of control of aircraft to other fliers and anyone on the runway. Wherever possible fliers must yield the right of way to the aircraft/pilot experiencing the emergency. 13. No flying permitted before 9AM unless allowed by an event. 14. No flying gas aircraft before 10am unless allowed by an event. 15. No smoking on the flight line. A fire extinguisher must be present during any turbine startup or flight. 16. Park only west of the runway, as close to the pit area as possible. Park perpendicular to the runway to make loading and unloading easier for everyone. 17. Locate and remove any debris from crashed aircraft. Make all reasonable efforts to locate downed planes in crop fields. Use the two-pole, two person method combined with cell phone communication to establish a likely search line. Do NOT go into a crop field alone. 18. Any permanent shelter may not be located in the pit or run-up area. 19. Flying alone is discouraged, but allowed if there is no other option. 20. MNAB does not have a frequency board. Users of non 2.4Ghz transmitters must ensure there are no frequency conflicts. 21. Non RC flying objects and general play These are prohibited in the pit area, near parked cars, or over pilots and spectators and will be reported to the safety officer. 22. Anyone who creates a tear in the runway fabric is responsible for making a tape repair with available black gorilla tape. 23. Control line flying is prohibited. 24. Sailplane hi-starts and winches must be set up within 20 degrees of the runway centerline. Do not puncture the runway fabric. 25. Mufflers are required. The noise limit is 90 db at 10 feet. 26. Gas/glo RC cars are prohibited at the field. Electric RC cars must avoid the runway and pit area, and must not endanger people, automobiles, or model aircraft. 27. Discharge of firearms is expressly prohibited. Minnesota Afterburners is located within Northfield City Limits. 28. Compliance to these practical safety rules are the responsibility of each member. Enforement is the responsibility of the safety officer if present. If not, a violator must yield to the authority of another member who points out unsafe operations.